Open Your Heart To Those In Need


Malaysia Hindu Sangam being the national apex Hindu organization is responsible for the preservation, development and defense of Hinduism in Malaysia. We are also known as ‘Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Hindu’. The National Council 27 Central Council Members who froms the National Council. We have 14 state Council with more than 122 Local Councils (Districts) with a membership of over 107,000 members nation wide. We have over 2,600 Temple ans Hindu based NGOs registered with us as members This makes us the 2nd largest Indian based NGO after the Malaysia Indian Congress. for more information on our activities and functions please visit our website or facebook page. We are a pro active organization and most sought after by all Indians on  religious, social-welfare, cultural, education and economic matters. We work very closely with Government Agencies, other NGOs and members of the Interfaith Community to create a harmonious and blessed society. Most Malaysians expects us to be effective and to respond to every single Hindu or Indian social-economic issues in this country. We have our limitation as we are all volunteers and self funded. We do not receive any annual grants from the Government or have a sustaining income source. In order to move forward, Project Dharma is being promoted to seek funds from the members of the public as well as corporate organisations. We have currently identified 3 main projects that the public can play a part and contribute on a monthly or regular basis. We are in the cross-road facing tremendous pressures from various issues and matters. While bing well organised and our presence nationwide, due to lack of funds we are unable to carry out our activities effectively or in speed. We humbly urge members of the public and corporate to finance our initiative. Project Dharma is all a win-win-win equation developed for you. You are Blessed, You are Rewarded and You Performed Your Dharma.