07 Sep


To urge and encourage parents to visit Temples minimum once a week with all their family members. To participate in prayers, rituals and spirtitual activities. 

Why ?

We have over 2,600 temples in our membership, but a large numbers of Hindus do not practice visiting temples once a weal. Most Hindus only visit temples when there is a special occasion. Temples needs devotees and economic strength to sustain. As part of early and family involvement in Hindu way of life, practice and prayers. To instill good moral values and evole spirituality in them. As a preventative measures against conversation, inmoral activities and activities that are against the laws. As part of nation building to be emotional, mental and spiritually strong with the positive determination to succees in any and every aspect, 

How ?

 Its a poster campaign to be placed at all 2,600 Temples and NGOs nationwide. We plan to also place it at restaurants, Indian shops, Tamil schools etc. We plan to also do a digital campaign on social media. 

What do we Expect to Achieve ? 

As above and make our branding or presence felt nation-wide as part of our MHS is alive, never far away from you and we are ready to serve you. As a fund raising project. By clicking on the QR Code they shall come to www.projectdharma.org page Ultimately: We humbly urge members of the public to contribute a little on a weekly or monthly basis.

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